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News & Resources

How to Stay Healthy through the Winter

Questions about Vaccinations

Questions and Concerns about Vaccinations? Follow the Link!

Coming this Spring
Puppies and Peds!

Come spend time with your friendly office staff and get to know your pediatrician! This spring Huron Valley Pediatrics will host Puppies and Peds. A opportunity for children to learn all about dogs, their care, temperament, and safety! All while playing will some fuzzy friends. Parents will have a chance to share with their children this new knowledge and get to know the staff at Huron Valley Pediatrics. 

 Some germs will undoubtedly make their way into your home. It may be unavoidable. When it comes to winter health, there are some things you and your children can do to try your best to leave those germs behind and lessen the risk of getting sick. 

  • Encourage kids to avoid people who are obviously sick.

  • Get a yearly flu shot.

  • Stay updated with the latest COVID-19 boosters.

  • Minimize or avoid infections by not taking your newborn or younger infant out and around a lot of other people until he is older.

  • Take a reusable water bottle to school instead of using the school water fountain, which may become contaminated with germs, especially during cold and flu season.

  • Teach good handwashing techniques.

  • Teach your kids 'cough etiquette.' The American Academy of Pediatrics describes recommends teaching children to turn their heads and cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue or the inside of their elbow. Simply coughing or sneezing on their hands will then spread their germs onto everything they touch.

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